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    Powered by Tracktl

    Win your team's jersey by adding your favorite song on your country's playlist !​


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    Support your team

    Add your favorite song on the playlist of your country

    Pick the country you support in the list below and click on the flag that will bring you directly on the playlist. You are just a click away from getting an official jersey !!

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    Spread the word

    Share your song on Facebook & Twitter via Tracktl

    You will need to get as many votes as you can to make your team win : that's why we invite you to share your song on Facebook & Twiter to increase your probability.

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    Win the European Playlist Cup

    If your song is the most voted one, you will get the jersey

    We will end the voting phase on July 11th and announce the winning team and the lucky owner of the jersey on our Facebook page : www.facebook.com/tracktl.

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    Download the mobile app to increase your probability of winning the cup.

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